Cara Integrasi Gradle/Gradle Integration Appnext
Initialize/Inisialisasi dengan unit Iklan AppNext
Tambahkan satu atau lebih dependensi untuk unit Iklan yang ingin Anda gunakan:
dependencies {
// For the Interstitial and Rewarded/Fullscreen video ad unit:
implementation 'com.appnext.sdk:ads:2.+'
// For the Banners ad unit:
implementation 'com.appnext.sdk:banners:2.+'
// For the New Native Ads ad unit:
implementation 'com.appnext.sdk:native-ads2:2.+'
// For the Actions ad unit:
implementation 'com.appnext.sdk:actions:2.+'
dependencies {
// For the Interstitial and Rewarded/Fullscreen video ad unit:
implementation 'com.appnext.sdk:ads:2.+'
// For the Banners ad unit:
implementation 'com.appnext.sdk:banners:2.+'
// For the New Native Ads ad unit:
implementation 'com.appnext.sdk:native-ads2:2.+'
// For the Actions ad unit:
implementation 'com.appnext.sdk:actions:2.+'
dependencies {
// For the Interstitial and Rewarded/Fullscreen video ad unit:
implementation 'com.appnext.sdk:ads:2.+'
// For the Banners ad unit:
implementation 'com.appnext.sdk:banners:2.+'
// For the New Native Ads ad unit:
implementation 'com.appnext.sdk:native-ads2:2.+'
// For the Actions ad unit:
implementation 'com.appnext.sdk:actions:2.+'
dependencies {
// For the Interstitial and Rewarded/Fullscreen video ad unit:
implementation 'com.appnext.sdk:ads:2.+'
// For the Banners ad unit:
implementation 'com.appnext.sdk:banners:2.+'
// For the New Native Ads ad unit:
implementation 'com.appnext.sdk:native-ads2:2.+'
// For the Actions ad unit:
implementation 'com.appnext.sdk:actions:2.+'
menambahkan Interstitial dan Fullscreen / Reward akan diimplementasikan dengan cara berikut:
dependencies {
// For the Interstitial and Rewarded/Fullscreen video ad unit:
implementation 'com.appnext.sdk:ads:2.+'
implementation '' // Mandatory
implementation '' // Mandatory
dependencies {
// For the Interstitial and Rewarded/Fullscreen video ad unit:
implementation 'com.appnext.sdk:ads:2.+'
implementation '' // Mandatory
implementation '' // Mandatory
dependencies {
// For the Interstitial and Rewarded/Fullscreen video ad unit:
implementation 'com.appnext.sdk:ads:2.+'
implementation '' // Mandatory
implementation '' // Mandatory
dependencies {
// For the Interstitial and Rewarded/Fullscreen video ad unit:
implementation 'com.appnext.sdk:ads:2.+'
implementation '' // Mandatory
implementation '' // Mandatory
Sekarang ketika Anda mengintegrasikan AppNext SDK dengan aplikasi Anda,Teruskan dan terapkan unit iklan!
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